Chinese Boxing
Saturday 5 April 2025
An AIR in G (Arts in Rural Gloucestershire) event.
It’s 1912, a lecture to your local Royal Asiatic Society by Sir Claude MacDonald, ambassador to Peking in 1900 during the famous Boxer Uprising. Sir Claude commanded the defence of the diplomatic quarter when it was besieged by the peasant ‘Boxer’ army. He wants to discuss China and the West ‘today’ but ‘takes you back to Peking’ in 1900, to the Imperial Palace, to hear the story of the siege from the Chinese side. It will challenge your view of the past … and the present. With post-show Q&A. Mark Kitto is also a respected China pundit and author.
Tickets available -
Doors open at 7pm.
Tickets £15
The bar will be open.